Early taste

PAKENHAM Seniors’ Christmas dinner outing at the Paradise Hotel at Clematis was very well attended and enjoyed by 92 members.
Members are urged to pay for the club Christmas dinner or miss out as bookings are near closing and we now have a waiting list.
Best wishes for their birthdays go to William Cairns, Muriel Clark and Don Shaw.
On the sick list are Ted Algra, Will Rainer, Betty Beckwith, Hazel Schneider, Freda Thomas, Glenda Woods and Lucy Rouse.
Visitor Lesley Watson was welcomed.
Little tatts winners this week are Helen Cook, Judy Brigham, Norma Stephens, Mariana Lacitis and Moira Toussaint. The door prizes were won by Eileen Walsh and Marie Corkill. The raffle was won by Vi Tripp.