Christmas tale

IN ALL the rush and pressure of the farming season and the planning of holidays and ‘time out’ for the family, often the true story of Christmas gets a little lost.
This December, local churches are inviting people to join a special relaxed and informal program over three weeks leading up to Christmas.
The venue will be Kooweerup Uniting Church. Bayles Seventh-Day Adventist Church will be joining in with this community initiative.
On 1 December, from 7pm to 8pm, the Christmas story as recorded in the Book of Luke will come alive as it is shared by a costumed bible story teller and supportive reader.
There will be show bags for supportive attendees and after the program a light supper will be served.
On 8 December, from 7pm to 8pm, The Nativity DVD will be screened and a light supper will be served.
On 15 December, a free bus trip to Nunawading leaving Kooweerup at 7pm and arriving back at approximately 10.30pm. Walk through the popular and professionally presented “Road to Bethlehem” Outdoor Theatre. Free of charge.
To book your place on one of the free buses (45 seats available) please call Rosalie on 5997 7374 or 0419 103 634.