Thieves target ski shop

By Lilly O’Gorman
A THIEF smashed his way into a Berwick retail store earlier this month and stole goods to the value of $15,000, making it the fourth time the store has been targetted this year.
Detective Senior Constable Mark Wiederhold from the Casey Crime Investigation Unit told the Gazette an unknown offender broke into Ski and Board World on 4 November at 4.27am and stole $15,000 worth of watches and sunglasses.
Det Sen Const Wiederhold said the thief gained entry by smashing the front glass door, which activated the security alarm.
Once inside the offender smashed a glass cabinet and stole Nixon watches, Oakley sunglasses and Skullcandy headphones.
Ski and Board World manager Sharon Scott said the damage was a massive inconvenience, with staff still finding pieces of glass around the store.
Ms Scott said police would be keeping an eye on markets and work sites for the stolen merchandise.
“This is the fourth time the shop has been hit this year and police think the most recent break-in could be linked to the one before this,” Ms Scott said.
This previous attack occurred in April and the same merchandise was stolen. Police have described the offender as a male of thin build, approximately 180cm tall, wearing a red baseball cap, brown jacket and dark trousers.
“It looks like it was one person, but that is not to say there wasn’t someone keeping watch outside,” Det Sen Const Wiederhold said.
The shop was cleaned up and open for business by about 10.30am on the day of the break-in.
Anyone with information is urged to call Det Sen Const Wiederhold at the Casey CIU on 9705 3174 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.