Gwen’s garden

By Lilly O’Gorman
GWEN Lengersdorf has found a place where all of her passions come together: the Kooweerup Community Gardens.
A passion for the environment, and her community occupy most of this active Kooweerup resident’s time.
“I have a passion for the whole community,” Gwen said.
“But my main passion is gardening. I love going down there and pottering around.”
The 73-year-old, moved to Kooweerup from Springvale 10 years ago.
She is on the town committee and the Kooweerup bypass sub-committee, volunteers with Red Cross and at the Op Shop and she is a member of the historical society. Before retiring, Gwen worked as a carer and now has gardening to fulfil her need to nurture.
An idea for a Kooweerup Community Garden was conceived when the nursing home on Rossiter Road was demolished. Now the garden stands in close proximity to the Kooweerup Regional Health Service.
In February 2008 the garden was constructed during working bees involving volunteers from the community. Gwen was involved in these early planning stages.
“Anyone is welcome it’s an open garden for everyone,” Gwen said.
The gardens are available for individuals and community groups and workshops are held throughout the year.
Last week a community barbecue night was held at the gardens, which Gwen helped to organise, involving students from Kooweerup Secondary College.
“It was a good turn out. We had an art exhibition from the students, and sculptures and garden ornaments made by people from the hostel,” Gwen said.
As well as benefiting the whole community, Gwen derives her own benefits from her love of gardening.

“It’s all intertwined with health and well-being,” she said. “I can’t bend down but we have long-armed tools and I can water and take people on tours.”
“I get a lot out of it in a well-being sense. I’m contributing to something worthwhile. It is also helping me overcome my arthritis.”
Gwen visits the garden about two or three times a week and helps to maintain the grounds. There is a sensory garden, frog pond and fruit trees.
“I go and dig around and water the fruit and vegetables.”
Carrots, cabbages and potatoes are just a few of the vegetables to be found in the garden at the moment.
Gwen takes some of the vegetables home; some of what is collected is sold for a gold coin donation to the health service.
“Everything is organic and recycled – we use hay and straw and make our own compost,” Gwen said.
The garden is solely looked after by volunteers like Gwen. And like all of her other endeavours, she cares for the garden as if it is her own.

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