Truckie bashed

By Jade Lawton and
GOOD Samaritan Shane Cahill was viciously attacked in Berwick on Sunday night after he told a verbally abusive man to ‘calm down.’
Two thugs allegedly turned on Mr Cahill, knocking him unconscious and repeatedly kicking him in the face and head.
The 48-year-old truck driver, from Upper Beaconsfield, had stopped at the BP Service Station on Clyde Road to grab a bottle of Coke at about 10.45pm.
Mr Cahill said he entered the service station to see a man racially abusing two attendants.
“This guy was going off at the two guys behind the counter, abusing them big time. He was calling them everything,” Mr Cahill said.
“I told him to calm down as I walked past then he turned and had a couple of words at me. I said calm down again and he came at me and we had a scuffle.
“The second guy came and then they knocked me to the ground. I was unconscious, I don’t remember hitting the ground, but I came to with their boots laying in to my head.”
The offenders took off in a dark coloured VR or V2 Holden Commodore.
Mr Cahill was taken to Dandenong Hospital, where he underwent CAT scans, with serious facial injuries.
He was discharged on Monday morning with a black eye, bruising and swelling to his head, and will be unable to return to work until the swelling goes down and he can see out of his eye again.
Mr Cahill said that in 15 plus years of driving through Berwick at night, he had never seen or encountered such senseless violent behaviour.
“I’m angry because these guys are out for a fight, looking for trouble,” he said.
“I’m sore but it’s kind of lucky in a way that it was me (that was assaulted) and not a 16 or 17-year-old kid who was walking past that maybe couldn’t take such a kicking.”
Casey’s Criminal Investigation Unit is seeking three men, all aged 20 to 25.
The first offender is described as Caucasian and about six feet tall, while the second man was of Islander appearance, solid build and about five feet 11.
The third man, the driver, was Caucasian and of medium height and build.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Senior Constable Peter Singh from Casey’s CIU on 9705 3114.