We’re all in this fire fight

By Melissa Meehan
WORKING together is the key this fire season, according to the Cardinia Shire Council, CFA and other local emergency services.
Last week all groups came together to discuss the fire plan for the region and said a major part of fire readiness was working together.
Mayor Bill Pearson said the experience of Black Saturday remained in the minds of many and encouraged the Cardinia community to follow the CFA Prepare, Act, Survive guidelines.
“People are the most important assets in every community and there is no room for complacency,” Cr Pearson said.
He said the council had close working relationships with of the emergency services, most especially the CFA – the lead agency for fire readiness in Victoria. “We are speaking with one voice,” he said.
“But at the end of the day, every one of us must remain vigilant throughout the entire fire season.
“That’s the key to reducing risk and saving lives.”
CFA Operations Officer Jim Dore said the CFA was well and truly prepared in the region.
“Our volunteers are fully trained and the equipment is well and truly ready,” Mr Dore said.
“And we are running as many Fire Ready meetings in communities as we can, trying to get out the message.”
He said community meetings held so far had received a positive response from members of the public, which he described as important considering three towns in Cardinia were on the list of 52 most at risk.
CFA Project Officer Phil Craig said while there would be a strong focus on the three towns (Gembrook, Upper Beaconsfield and Cockatoo), local crews would also give attention to towns north of the highway.
For more information on how this region is preparing for the fire season, see pages 8 and 9.