Red tape a spoke in gym’s wheels

BERWICK Primary School leaders are racing against the clock to get Federal Government funding for a much-needed gym extension.
The school was allocated $2 million for a multipurpose room under the government’s Building the Education Revolution Program, but urgently needs to extend the half-sized gymnasium, which can only accommodate a fraction of the school’s 800-plus students.
School Council president Jason Barlow has urged Education Minister Julia Gillard to allow the school to use some of the money for the extension, after independent architects estimated the building could be completed for $750,000.
However, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development told the Gazette the project was costed at $2 million.
Mr Barlow this week wrote to Ms Gillard, seeking permission for the school to change the building template, although construction on the multipurpose room is already in its early stages.
“We are a school in one of the fastest growth corridors in Australia; projected enrolments for 2010 are in excess of 800 students…we believe that extending our gym would have best served our school and local community,” he wrote.
“As part of the Emergency Management Plan’s lock down procedure, the gym is required as a central point for all students and staff to assemble while any threat is assessed. Clearly, it would be a struggle and a potential threat to lives to cram over 850 students and staff in to such a small facility, particularly on a very hot day.”
Mr Barlow said the school needed the gym expansion so that its facilities would remain on par with nearby private schools St Margaret’s School, Berwick Grammar School, Haileybury College and Beaconhills.
La Trobe MP Jason Wood also wrote to Ms Gillard and requested she ‘take the matter seriously’ rather than respond bureaucratically.
“The best outcome for Berwick Primary School and the local community is for the Federal Government to stand behind its promise to provide each school with $3 million and to allow Berwick Primary to commit any remaining funds to projects that the school and local community needs,” he wrote.
Mr Barlow and Mr Wood are awaiting a reply from Ms Gillard.