Screen power- Back from left, David Esmore , Karen Muscat, front, Abbie Lane, Ella Boyen and S

By Bridget Cook
THE spotlight will be on environmental issues over the next few months with a series of Green Film Nights in Casey and Cardinia.
In a bid to bring together community members to network and learn about environmental issues, a number of ‘green films’ will be played.
The films will be based on topics such as ethical consumerism, reducing waste, peak oil and how it impacts the environment and the impacts of multinational companies.
Cardinia Shire Council waste education officer Ella Boyen said the nights would be a great opportunity for the community to interact and learn about the environment.
“It will also be great to network with active community members who are already doing a lot with the environment,” she said.
“It will hopefully empower people about what they can do in their own lives and communities.
“Hopefully people will take away some added knowledge to make an informed decision about some of the purchases they make.”
The film nights will start this week and run once a month until April.
The Story of Stuff, based on ethical consumerism, will be played at City of Casey Civic Centre on Thursday 10 December from 6.30pm.
Ms Boyen said the council decided to hold The Story of Stuff in the lead up to Christmas because people lost sight of the things that really matter and got caught up in consumerism hype.
“The Story of Stuff gets people to rethink value and the impact of their purchases, encouraging people to consider shopping locally and more sustainably,” she said.
From January 11 to 22 a green films afternoon program will run, with five films screened over the fortnight.
Organic popcorn will be provided.
For more information or to RSVP phone Ms Boyen on 5945 4304 or Casey Council on 9705 5200.