Road works finish on time

ALBER Road residents can celebrate the early completion of works consisting of sealed shoulders, line marking, appropriate signage and 900 metres of guard rail.
Pioneer Road Services started the works on 3 November and completed the project on Monday.
Malcolm Newman, traffic and technical officer at Cardinia Shire Council, said the works were necessary due to numerous casualty crashes on the road in the past five years.
“The sealing of road shoulders and installation of a guard rail will greatly improve driver safety and reduce the possibility of vehicles losing control and colliding with trees,” he said.
“It was an excellent job by the contractors Pioneer Road Services, completing the works satisfactorily three weeks ahead of the required completion date.”
The project was managed by Cardinia Shire Council and completed within budget and timeframe.
Black spot funding of $317,000 for the project was supplied by VicRoads through the Federal Government’s Nation Building Fund.
The funding agreement indicated the project had to be completed by 31 December.
For further information contact Malcolm Newman on 1300 787 624.