Hands on for better health

DOCTOR David Tio has joined the team at Total Osteo Health Services in Mulgrave.
With a wealth of experience, he is set to be a huge asset to the practice.
Dr Tio graduated from the European School of Osteopathy, ESO, England in 1982.
He completed his Masters in clinical science in muscular-skeletal management at RMIT University, Australia.
For more than 20 years he has been coming in and out of Melbourne to practice as a locum, having his privately owned practice.
He has also been an external examiner for an osteopathic university.
Total Osteo Health Services offers osteopathy services as well as remedial therapy and clinical hypnotherapy.
Osteopathy uses hands-on treatment by highly skilled practitioners, standard medical orthopaedic tests as well as skilled palpation, to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal problems.
Total Osteo Health Services is located at Suite 3/529 Police Road, Mulgrave.
It is open Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 7pm, Fridays from 9am to 3pm and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm.
Contact 9701 1169 or lee@totalosteo.com.au to make an appointment.