MORE THAN 25 Oz Child community VCAL students from Cardinia Shire and Casey graduated from the Never Underestimate Kids Education (NUKE) program last month.
Family members and friends were also present at a ceremony acknowledging the hard work and dedication students put into the program that built resilience, confidence and trust.
Cardinia Shire Council’s Youth Services Officer, Carrolyn Agius, said the program allowed participants to experience positive outcomes in a supportive and exciting learning environment.
“It was wonderful to see the benefits of NUKE for the students and see their skills recognised,” Ms Agius said.
“Observing the growth and development of the students was particularly exciting as we saw participants step out of their comfort zone and participate in a range of challenging activities.”
Throughout the program students heard from a range of guest speakers including police, youth resource officers, prison officers and local youth and community agencies.
Topics throughout the program included rights and responsibilities, anger management, bullying, party safe and sexual education.
Students also visited Fulham Prison and heard about the experiences of prisoners and day to day tasks of prison officers.
A range of challenging excursions like rock climbing, abseiling and white water canoeing were also undertaken.