Register to party safe

THIS festive season, a safe party is a great party.
Cardinia residents are reminded to register all parties with the Victoria Police PARTYSAFE program at their nearest police station.
PARTYSAFE was established in 1998. Since that time, the initiative has become a key crime prevention tool in local communities.
PARTYSAFE was developed by Victoria Police’s Crime Prevention/Neighbourhood Watch state co-ordination unit, based on an original concept designed by the Sunbury Police and Community Consultative Committee and the University of Melbourne.
Some 98 per cent of people who registered parties with police said they felt more secure knowing local police had been made aware of their party. Participants described police involvement as being minimal and professional.
PARTYSAFE provides information to help minimise the risk of having intoxicated guests or gatecrashers ruining a host’s party.
The PARTYSAFE information kits include an official sign for the party-host to display on their front door, which lets people know the party has been registered with Victoria Police. It also includes tips and contact numbers for people wanting more information.
Registering a party with local police is a strong deterrent against gatecrashers and other people looking for trouble. It also provides police with the information they need if they are called to the party to deal with a disturbance. PARTYSAFE is not intended to stop people enjoying themselves – it is about minimising risks.
Once you lodge your form at the police station, you will be provided with your PARTYSAFE information kit.
For further information about PARTYSAFE please contact your local police station or crime prevention officer.