Police warn to take care on roads

VICTORIA Police is encouraging pedestrians to take greater care around the roads, especially with the holiday season just around the corner.
Leading Senior Constable Biljana Luccio said there were a number of things that pedestrians could do to increase their own safety.
“Pedestrians should always use crossings and obey the signals, they also need to be aware of the conditions around them and avoid distractions such as iPods or mobile phones while attempting to cross the road.
“This includes being able to see clearly in both directions as well as being able to hear vehicles that may have warning signals.
“Light-coloured clothing with reflective properties is also the safest option for pedestrians, especially at night.”
Three pedestrian groups are particularly vulnerable: the young, the elderly and the intoxicated and they tend to be most at risk in densely built-up and busy urban environments.