Shed rage

By Lilly O’Gorman and Melissa Meehan
At Monday night’s meeting, councillors voted to refuse Anthony Johnson’s application, citing previous compliance problems.
But Mr Johnson, who runs a trenching business, said council’s reasoning was “total rubbish” and he had complied with all previous requests.
At the meeting, councillor Brett Owen said he was worried about granting a permit for the shed amid concerns of alleged dumping of soil and parking of trucks on the street.
Cr Owen also highlighted Mr Johnson’s current case at VCAT regarding an enforcement notice for machinery and materials at the Rix Road Property.
Surprised by the refusal, Mr Johnson said he moved to Rix Road, Beaconsfield, following suggestions from council officers that the site would be better suited to his business needs.
Since moving to the Rix Road address, Mr Johnson said he had complied with all council laws.
“It is based on hearsay,” he said.
“I would like to see (councillors) prove this bad reputation.”
“We were told by council we could operate the business from this property. We have been waiting two years for an answer, meanwhile paying interest on two properties,” he said.
“We have been crucified financially waiting for a result.”
Aside from claims of a bad reputation, Cr Owen said the application was inappropriate for the low-density residential zone.
“This activity is inappropriate and approving the store would further increase complaints on this site,” Cr Owen said.
“There will be a lot of activity on this site for the trenching business, including trucks.”
Cr Bill Pearson said Mr Johnson’s past and current issues with council were of most concern.
“The resident has a track record,” he said.
“How can we issue a permit and hope they will comply in the future?” Cr Pearson said.