Happiness in ’new normal’

Sister Seema Sharma from Brahma Kumaris Centre for Spiritual Learning

As we are slowly coming out of the lockdown, we have started contemplating our future.

We have realised what is important for us and what is not.

While some are living in the fear of the unknown, some have remained stable and happy regardless of the situation.

And one common feeling we all share in all circumstances is of happiness and hope.

As we become hopeful and positive, happiness flows in and as we are able to keep ourselves happy everything seems to make us happy – optimistic.

Some could call this a paradigm; for others it will be a puzzle.

Let’s begin with some hope.

Hope is a belief that everything will work out.

Research has shown that those with more hope throughout their lives have better physical health, better health behaviours, better social support and a longer life.

The pandemic and the lockdown did not leave us with much more than hoping things will return to normal.

The wonderful and magical thing about hope is that it does not discriminate for as long as we are positive and optimistic.

Meditation helps us remain mentally and emotionally regulated.

It re-kindles the heart to find the positivity within to conquer overwhelming and depressing situations.

Keep a watch on your thoughts.

As Mahatma Gandhi said:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts/ Your thoughts become your words/ Your words become your actions/ Your actions become your habits/ Your habits become your values/ Your values become your destiny.”

This is how to watch your thought:

* Don’t fight your thoughts; accept them graciously and try to find logic.

* Tell yourself: “This too shall pass“.

* Bring your thoughts back to the now.

* Take your thoughts to something positive; listen to the music.

* Think about and count your blessings – with a heart filled with gratitude.

* Count your achievements.

* Store your thought bank with your happiest moments.

To practice the above, a few minutes of silence each day is necessary.

In this silence and with the above thoughts you will start feeling a sense of hope, happiness and peace.

• Find a quiet and comfortable place at home or in a park would be nice.

• Put your phone on silent.

• Bring yourself to the present i.e., what you see around you.

• Take some deep breaths and enjoy the fresh air and the sound of nature.

• Check your thoughts.

• Bring your thoughts together and slowly and gently acknowledge them and let them go.

• Take more deep breaths and think of all the happy and hopeful scenarios in your life.

• Send good wishes and blessings to all those who come into your thoughts.

• Send good wishes to the trees, plants and the birds.

• Send many, many, powerful blessings and good wishes to yourself to generate the feeling of gratitude and find your inner self to recognise the hope and happiness around you.

At the end of this exercise, you will feel refreshed and happy.

* Sister Seema Sharma is from the Brahma Kumaris Centre For Spiritual Learning.