Stunning debutante ball

Front row: Mary O'Loughlin, Maddison Barbour, Lucy Moir, Rianna Binaisse, Alwyn Williams, Terry Williams (Rotary Club president), Darci Dixon, Kaneisha Phipps, Taylor McCarthy, Jasmine Daymond. Second row: Calina Dechezeaux, Hayley Dore, Abigail Delia, Lauren McCarthy, Hayley Murphy, Amy Whitehead, Shem'el Watson. Third row: Patrick Adams, Zac Dore, Mitchell Green, Blake Earle, Cameron Vandenberg. Jake Robinson, Raidan Hart, Scout Wenn. Back row: Caleb Leeson, Tynan McKelvie, Christopher Arslain-Barry. Dylan O'Gorman, Lucas Jordaan. Picture: Spargo Photography. 295476_01

The Rotary Club of Pakenham has run debutante balls for more than 30 years, catering for generations of families in […]

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