Super sixes strike glory

Berwick 6 won the sectional grand final against Cranbourne on Saturday, the team members, back row from left were; Tom McDermott, Peter Kirby, Leanne Kleverlaan, Martin Grindley, Bruce Shearer and Reg Rosewell (Manager). Middle Row: Val Wynen, Ray Findlay, Judy Turner, Avril Steere, Albert Bertoncello, Val Fowler and Annette Kirby. Front Row, seated, kneeling: Pat Steere, Tony Wynen, Helen D’Amelio and Joan Marshall. 321432 Picture: SUPPLIED

BERWICK BOWLS WEEKEND PENNANT • Berwick 6 (Section Grand Final) def Cranbourne 4 (Away) 92-80 The sixes are the toast […]

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