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IT’S either a right royal stuff-up or Pakenham’s recent bout of Princess Mary fever has affected even the cold-hearted bureaucrats at VicRoads.
An M1 sign near Nar Nar Goon has been alerting drivers that they are passing under the charmingly named Princess Highway East/Nar Nar Goon Connection Road.
The highway is of course, the Princes Highway, named after the Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward VIII before abdicating to marry an American divorcee in Wallis Simpson.
The sign has appeared since Princess Mary of Denmark, formerly Mary Donaldson of Tasmania, visited Pakenham in November to scenes of unbridled excitement and general royal giddiness.
The Gazette contacted VicRoads to see if there was any connection between the new sign and that tasty Danish, but they declined to speculate on how the error may have occurred.
It is believed that Maryknoll, which was not named after the Crown Princess, will retain its current moniker for the foreseeable future in honour of her visit.