Cash spray

DRAINAGE and irrigation works for Catani Recreation Reserve’s main oval received a funding boost.
Bass MP Ken Smith said Catani Reserve would receive $100,000 as part of the latest funding from the State Government’s Sustainable Sports Ground program.
It is among 30 sporting venues across the state to benefit from a $1.9 million government funding boost to help councils and clubs implement sustainable water management practices.
“The effect of the unusually wet weather together with the general deterioration of the ground over the past couple of years has made the surface of the main oval unsatisfactory to be used as a sporting ground,” Mr Smith said.
“Player safety has been a concern for all clubs using the oval.”
The Catani Recreation Reserve irrigation system project will provide much needed drainage and irrigation at the main oval which is home to football, cricket, equestrian, show activities and other community recreational events.
“The Catani Football Club is the hub of the township and the Victorian Government is very pleased to be able to make a contribution to enable the grounds to be improved and be brought to a standard the community can be really proud of,” Mr Smith said.
Minister for Sport and Recreation Hugh Delahunty said the government had invested more than $1.9 million in the program towards 30 projects across Victoria for sports such as soccer, football, netball, lawn bowls and tennis.
“We are working together with local clubs and councils to support higher levels of use and participation at local sporting facilities, whatever the weather brings,” Mr Delahunty said.
“Unfortunately in the last few years some Victorian clubs and councils struggled with the impact of extreme weather, especially floods and drought, on their sports facilities and this funding will assist local clubs.”