Teen timeat shire

YOUNG people can get creative, chill out or even just hang out at the Cardinia Shire’s afterschool programs for young people during term one.
Kooweerup has a range of activities, including arts and craft, computers with internet access, pool, air hockey, table tennis, video games, cooking, moviesand excursions. These activities take place at The Men’s Shed, Kooweerup Hospital, Rossiter Road, Kooweerup, every Monday from 3.30pm–5.30pm.
Young people are invited to get creative or just chill out at Bayles March mayhem or Garfield epic evenings. Both programs feature art workshops, jewellery making, cooking activities, and games.
Bayles March mayhem is on every Tuesday until 27 March from 3.30pm–5.30pm at Bayles Hall, 660 Kooweerup–Longwarry Road. Garfield epic evenings is on every Thursday from 4pm–6pm at Garfield Hall, Beswick Street. Both are four-week programs.
If young people feel like expressing themselves through movement, then ‘The Dance Project’ is on at Cardinia Life every Wednesday from 4.30pm–5.30pm for 12 to 17-year-olds.
Bookings are essential via council on phone 1300 787 624 or email youth@cardinia. vic.gov.au. Cardinia Life is located at 4 Olympic Way, Pakenham.
All of council’s term one afterschool programs cost $2 per session.
A consent form, which is available online from www.cardinia.vic.gov.auu must be completed for each relevant program in order to secure a place.