Trekking stormtrooper: may the funds be with you

– Danielle Galvin
JEDI knights have your lightsabres at the ready – a strong force has passed through the Pakenham galaxy.
If you’ve spotted a suspiciously dressed Star Wars stormtrooper wandering through Berwick, Pakenham and Bunyip, you’re not alone.
It’s West Australian Jacob French decked out head to toe in his Star Wars inspired costume.
He’s been on the road for eight months on what he calls his Trooper Trek, all the while raising money for the Starlight Foundation. So far he’s managed to raise $84,000. “I’ve walked 4000 kilometres, got about 1000 more to go,” he said. Jacob started in Perth and will finish up in a couple of weeks in Sydney. It’s been a long venture. The Gazette caught up with the trooper near Lakeside Boulevard on Thursday and stopped him for a quick chat.
“I’ve been camping and staying in caravan parks at night,” he said.
Jacob was shocked at the number of people who stopped him for a photo during his journey across the Nullarbor.
“It’s quite eye-catching, I guess,” he said.
In the words of Darth Vader, the force is strong with this one.