Driver was un-trained

By Danielle Galvin
A PAKENHAM dad who saw a station wagon zigzag through traffic and across train lines on McGregor Road says it was the “stupidest thing” he’s ever seen.
Darryl Blackney was driving with his daughter last Friday morning on his way to the freeway.
He said the traffic had stopped, and motorists were patiently waiting for the V-Line trains to pass through.
“The traffic was banked right back. We heard a V-Line train approaching,” he said.
“And then out of nowhere this white Holden Commodore station wagon zigzagged through traffic and over the train lines, avoiding the boom gates that were still down.”
The driver managed to creep through before the two V-Line trains passed through.
“I just couldn’t believe it. A few seconds later we saw the V-Line trains, one coming from Melbourne and one from the station.”
Mr Blackney’s daughter remarked to her dad that the driver was foolish and dangerous.
“My daughter just said, what a fool the driver is, Dad,” he said.
The station wagon came from the Princes Highway end of Pakenham and the driver was spotted zipping past traffic near Henty Street.
“He obviously doesn’t care about his life,” Mr Blackney said.
Cars waiting at the railway station were stopped for “some time” but most drivers managed to wait patienty.
“The signals weren’t faulty, we were just waiting for a while,” he said.
Mr Blackney said the car came out of nowhere and the outcome could have been very different.
“The driver was gambling with our lives. They should have just waited.”