Oh, what a night …

– Jason Beck
SO, is this film a case of Superbad on crack, or Animal House on speed?
Whatever it is, “Project X” is a little gem and takes the “found footage” genre in a whole new direction.
Reputed to have cost just $12 million, the tale chronicles an insane house party in Pasadena in which police SWAT teams are deployed against 1500-2000 party animals who are busily destroying a suburban home and its surrounds one Saturday night. Three stereotypical teenage boys are at the heart of the film, made firmly with the 13-year-old teenage male demographic in mind.
The main protagonistsare loser Thomas (Thomas Mann) party animal Costa (Oliver Cooper) and obligatory fat kid JB (JonathanDaniel Brown).
In the party that follows, there are more bare breasts than you’d find in a year’s subscription to National Geographic – as a mate captures the whole thing on video.
The action ramps up to an insane level, including an angry midget who emerges from the kitchen oven and starts punching blokes in the gentlemen parts.
Watch also for party security, who apply a taser to a neighbour who complains about the noise.
As the news choppers arrive, police speak of letting the party burn itself out, while a plot twist from earlier sees the exterior of the home set on fire.
Water bombers are sent in to try and extinguish the blaze. Many lol moments, as the young people say.
Yes, you’ve got to be in the right mood. Yes, many people will hate this film.
But, for its ideas alone, I reckon it’s a keeper.