First steps on long road for footpath

By Danielle Galvin
HILLS residents fighting for a footpath leading to Emerald Lake Park have been told they will have to wait for 10 years for Cardinia Shire Council to free up the funds.
Emerald Lake Road residents have lobbied the council for a footpath leading to the park since March when they submitted a petition with more than 120 signatures.
At the last general council meeting on 16 April, councillor Graeme Legge said the terrain on the road was challenging.
“A path was investigated in late 2011,” he said.
“It was costed at $1.2 million and if you divide that into length, it’s very expensive per metre.”
Meaghan Dolphin, who has lived in Emerald for 13 years, said the traffic had increased remarkably.
She organised the petition and personally doorknocked residents on the road to get support.
“It’s ridiculous, basically.
“There is no safe pedestrian access to walk across the road,” she said.
The mum of two said there are schoolkids who live on the street that can’t walk to school because it’s too dangerous.
“The council came back and said there was a path in the park but if something happens in there when it’s dark or after hours, no one would see your or hear you,” she said.
“As of May, it closes at about 4.30pm and I know a lot of the private school kids who might not get home until 5pm.”
The council has included the path in its future footpath program. Funds have been allocated to link Beaconsfield-Emerald Road and Princess Street in the 2013-2014 financial year.
The second stage of the project, which would link Princess Street to Emerald Lake Park, would be completed in 10 years.
Councillor George Blenkhorn seconded the recommendation at the meeting.
He said that he agreed that the terrain made it difficult to put in a footpath.
Councillor Collin Ross said there were a number of worthy projects in the shire in terms of footpaths.
“There’s $400,000 budgeted for footpaths in the shire so, obviously, the situation is extremely challenging,” he said.
“People are justifiable in applying for it but the funds just aren’t there right now.”