Tax time… Carbon tax that is

By Danielle Galvin
RATEPAYERS could be slugged an extra 6.4 per cent on their council fees this financial year – thanks in part to the carbon tax.
Cardinia Shire Council has factored in 0.5 per cent of the rate rise to allow for the Federal Government’s carbon tax which will come into effect in July this year.
The draft of the council’s 2012-2013 budget was discussed at Monday night’s special council meeting and is available online for public comment.
Council’s general manager of corporate services, Derek Madden, said preparations for the budget began in November last year.
“All areas of council have been involved in the drafting of this budget,” he said.
Mayor Ed Chatwin said the rate increase was necessary for the council to deliver community services and facilities.
“Council has no choice but to face the future impact of the carbon tax and increases to the EPA landfill levy,” he said.
“Of this rate increase, 0.5 per cent has been factored in for the carbon tax and $16.50 as a component of the garbage charge.”
The rate increase is expected to raise an additional $49.5 million for the council.
At the meeting, Councillor George Blenkhorn said the budget was a culmination of six months of work from all areas of council.
“Council has committed to a number of new projects. Roads and bridges are to be upgraded,” he said.
“I note that each of the wards will benefit again from the budget.”
But outspoken Central Ward Councillor Collin Ross urged residents and ratepayers to review the draft budget and said he didn’t support the rate rise.
“I urge them to read it carefully,” he said.
“There’s good sections and bad of this budget and as I promised, when I was elected, I said I would not support a rate rise above the CPI.”
Cr Ross said there were some positive things in the budget, like new playgrounds and other programs and services throughout the shire.
“But we need to weigh up the yearly cost and how much (ratepayers) get back,” he said.
Cr Chatwin said funding was evenly distributed across the shire.
“Much community comment is made about a perceived disparity between the capital spending in the growth area of Pakenham, Beaconsfield and Officer, and other parts of the Shire,” he said.
“In fact, the majority of council-funded capital works spending goes outside the growth area.”
The budget is available online at Hard copies are on display at the council offices and Pakenham, Emerald and mobile libraries.