From country to city

By Russell Bennett
PAKENHAM residents have spoken – they want to feel safe and connected in their town, but also proudly boast to their inner-city friends about where they live.
Last Thursday night Cardinia Shire Council held a workshop at the Pakenham Hall and U3A complex as part of the second step in developing its Pakenham Structure Plan – which will shape the next 10 to 15 years of the town’s future.
About 30 community members attended the workshop and put forward a wide range of ideas on how Pakenham, and its image, could be improved.
Many wanted more top-end housing development, while some even suggested an underground rail network from Racecourse Road to McGregor Road to alleviate the traffic buildup around the main street at peak-hour.
Jodie Owen, a candidate at the upcoming shire elections, said some residents were embarrassed to say they lived in Pakenham because of the perception of some outside the area.
She said there was too much lower income housing and first home owners should be given more options to upgrade to their second homes in the area.
Ms Owen said places like the sound stage opposite the railway station needed to be demolished because they played a part in giving the town its reputation.
“Young people own places like the skate park,” she said.
“They feel a belonging there and look after it.
“They don’t vandalise it because they don’t want to see it taken away.”
Retiree Joy Doherty said Pakenham should be all encompassing, welcoming new residents while recognising those who have lived in the town all their lives.
Mrs Doherty and husband Ron moved to the local area five years ago.
They see the potential for what Pakenham can become.
“Pakenham isn’t a country town anymore,” Mrs Doherty said.
“It’s a country city!”
“We need more brand name shops and but we need defined entry points into the town from the Princes Highway.
“There’s nothing to identify Pakenham straight away.”
Rebecca Anderson said Pakenham needed more leisure facilities, like a cinema or a bowling alley, so the almost 40,000 locals didn’t have to drive to Fountain Gate or Warragul.
But Pensioner Martha Walgers, 73, was one of a host of people at the forum who beamed about the new Pakenham Marketplace – saying the shopping centre wasn’t too big to navigate, but had a great range of shops.
Cardinia Shire’s Strategic Planning Manager John Holland said last week’s workshop was “a valuable step in the consultation process”.
“A wide range of views were expressed during discussion of the draft vision and the five key themes outlined in the Pakenham Structure Plan key directions paper,” he said.
The opportunity for residents to have their say on this stage of the process is not over yet.
Copies of the key directions paper can be obtained by contacting the council on 1300 787 624 or online at plans.
Submissions regarding the key directions paper should be made in writing to Cardinia Shire Council, PO Box 7, Pakenham 3810 or emailed to
There will be further opportunities for comment when the draft Pakenham Structure Plan is publicly exhibited.