Brigade ‘gutted’

By Paul Dunlop
FIREFIGHTERS have been left gutted after their “second home” in Pakenham went up in flames early on Tuesday morning.
Country Fire Authority crews were called to put out a fire in John Street only to discover the burning building was a storehouse containing their own fire brigade running equipment.
The Arson Squad is investigating the fire, which is believed to have been deliberately lit.
The building, which also had a commercial kitchen and public toilets for the PB Ronald Park, was engulfed in flames when crews arrived about 3.40 am.
Gear used in fire brigade running competitions against other brigades as well as memorabilia from the brigade’s 77 year history of great sentimental value were among the items destroyed.
The damage bill has been estimated at $250,000.
Pakenham CFA captain Vince Ingram said the fire was devastating for brigade volunteers.
“It’s a big blow for us. There was a lot of equipment stored in there and it throws everything out of whack in terms of our set up for competitions,” Mr Ingram said.
“We haven’t had a chance yet to really sit down and sort out what we’ve lost. It is very disappointing.”
More than 20 firefighters fought the flames but they were unable to save the building.
Adding to the drama, crews were called to another fire in Bald Hill Road while they were mopping up hotspots.
Police and CFA investigators were at the scene from the early hours of the morning until well into the afternoon.
Several firefighters told the Gazette they felt shocked and angered by the blaze.
Police Detective Sergeant Phil Jury said both fires were being treated as suspicious.
Pakenham CFA has a rich and long history of service in the town and the burnt building, a few hundred metres from the fire station, was the centre of much of its social activity over the years.
The building, on councilowned land, was dedicated in November 1987 to a number of longserving stalwarts of the brigade.
Firefighters said the facilities were the result of years of community fundraising activities, such as sausage sizzles and street stalls.
“This was like our second home,” Pakenham CFA Lieutenant Grant Russell said.
The CFA is preparing to move later this year to the new emergency services complex currently under construction on the Princes Highway at the western entrance to Pakenham.
The burned out shell of the storage building is likely to be bulldozed with Mr Ingram unsure what the future held.
Cardinia mayor Bill Ronald said he would like to see a new facility built there, including public toilets, which the nearby park was now without.
Cr Ronald said the CFA was a worthy organisation that had worked hard to maintain the area despite it being a regular target for vandals in recent times.
The running track used for competition was not damaged.
Anyone with any information regarding the fires is urged to contact Pakenham police on 5941 1033 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.