Riding group ranges wider

OVER 60 horse riders and volunteers from the Riding for Disabled Association of Victoria (RDAV) celebrated the opening of a new property at Officer last Saturday.
The group, which provides riding opportunities for people with physical and intellectual disabilities, has been able to extend its services with an extra 12 hectares of land now available to riders.
Cardinia councillor Kate Lempriere officially opened the event and Paralympian Anne Skinner entertained the crowd with her riding skills.
VicUrban made the new Officer RDAV centre possible by allowing the volunteer run group to temporarily use the land free of charge.
RDAV executive officer Petra Pike said the extra land would be a great boost for volunteers and disabled riders.
“The new RDAV mobile unit at Officer makes a huge difference to our members as we can more than double our service to the community in the southeast,” Ms Pike said.
“The mobile unit program allows us to provide RDAV services in locations where no permanent centre can be established,” she said.
Waiting times will be significantly reduced with the new land enabling four more sessions every week.