Councillors to log on

By Jim Mynard
CASEY councillors will have a separate computer, without printer access and download facilities, installed in the councillors’ room.
The council will also invite the accounting firm Price Waterhouse Coopers to brief councillors on best practice financial management for large organisations.
This followed a notice of motion by Mayfield Ward councillor Steve Beardon that the council’s operating budget figures be presented in detail with quarterly reports and put on public display. The motion led to heated discussion but councillors compromised with an amendment to have the computer installed and that they seek advice from Price Waterhouse.
The restricted computer access was agreed after Casey director of corporate services Steve Dalton said that much of the information was confidential.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Rob Wilson moved the amendment and said it would allow councillors access but ensured the information would not go elsewhere.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Paul Richardson then said councillors would now have to hand write the data.
Cr Richardson said he would also like Price Waterhouse to review the council’s figures on a quarterly basis.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford replied that the council already had State Government auditors check the books and this would be a double up.
Mr Dalton said the figures could be provided to the computer with some changes to the system and Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton asked “but at what cost will all this be done”?
“It will cost a fortune and will be a complete waste of money,” he said.
“We already have trouble getting councillors here for briefings, will they be here for the Price Waterhouse briefing? We have highly skilled officers who can do this. Councillors have more important things to do.”
Cr Beardon said it was his role as a councillor to have some input into how the council spent its money.
“If we are to manage the budget we need to see the figures. I would prefer the computer to be in my lounge room because I only get down to the civic centre every Tuesday or so and for some briefings,” he said.