Berwick girls too strong

AFTER a disappointing effort last week when the Berwick Wickers youth girls dropped their first points of the season against Hallam Hawks, the team produced a firstclass effort on Saturday to trounce last season’s premiers, Sacre Couer Kangaroos.
Led superbly by captain Alisha Jessup, Berwick outplayed the Kangaroos to record a 50point win.
After an even first quarter, with both sides managing a goal, Berwick produced a fine team effort to cast aside any doubt the Wickers have the necessary resources to go all the way this season.
Scores: Berwick Wickers 9.5.59 d Sacre Coeur Kangaroos 1.3.9. Goals: M. Marshall 3, R. Timmins, H. Pink 2, A. Decker, C. Clarkson 1.