By Jim Mynard
CASEY Council last night had the opportunity to allocate $5000 for a noise assessment study on a proposed recreational motorcycleriding track in the Five Ways Devon Meadows area.
Casey mayor Kevin Bradford last month told the council that $5000 had been allocated for a noise study on land in the Shire of Cardinia that motorcycle track entrepreneur Wayne Maslen had planned.
He said the Cardinia proposal had not been approved, but Mr Maslen had since found a site in the Balla Balla Ward that could be suitable.
He then moved that the council reallocate the money for a noise study on the Casey site, subject to a planning application by Mr Maslen for a motorcycle riding track in the south of the municipality being approved.
He also asked that council officers consult the applicant about his choice of consultant.
However, the council asked that a previous study on recreational motorbikes in the municipality be made available to councillors before the matter was moved forward.
A further report went before the council last night.
Four Oaks Ward councillor Rob Wilson said during the initial debate that the trail bike issue had been around for a long time and that the main issue was noise.
He said any site would need to have a large buffer, but said motorbike riding was a legitimate sport.
Springfield Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford said the council had a report that there was no suitable land in the municipality and asked that all councillors be reissued with the report before making a decision.
But she said that she would not support putting up $5000 for a study on what was a private enterprise. There was no suitable site, anyway.
“The council is wasting time on this issue,” she said.
Edrington Ward councillor Mick Morland was ambivalent about the issue, but said if the council agreed to a consultancy, then it should select the consultant, not Mr Maslen.
Cr Bradford said the reason Cardinia and Casey did not have a motorcycle track was because it had always been put in the toohard basket.
He said a new parcel of land had come available. “This is an issue that the council must deal with,” he said.
“We have a private venture, but it will be made available to the council. The Shire of Cardinia was apathetic on this matter, but the City of Casey should show leadership.”
Edrington Ward councillor Brian Hetherton said that if Mr Maslen did not have $5000 toward an initial consultancy, then how could he finance the establishment of a riding facility.
Cr Bradford said on Monday that he hoped the council would approve the allocation.
“I have spoken to the landowner and I am assured that the land will be made available,” he said.
Balla Balla Ward councillor Colin Butler said he would support the move provided Mr Maslen obtained the agreement of residents around the site and presented the correct documentation with a detailed plan.
“If he completes all those things I will agree to it,” he said.