BERWICK Village Chamber of Commerce usually ticks over as life goes on, meets each month, with committee meetings betwixt and between, always hopeful of getting more members.
Until issues arise.
Then it can be expected to come out firing both barrels.
The chamber contributed as much as any organisation in the battle to have Berwick chosen as the site for a Monash University campus and was proud of its effort.
All seemed to be going well in the tertiary camp and the university repeatedly stated that it wanted to become part of the community and that community welcomed the campus with open arms.
Until it was revealed that the university planned to sell off land that the district fought tooth and nail to have vested on the tertiary institute as a gift.
Anger was rising week by week and again the Berwick Village Chamber of Commerce came out as a voice to express the hurt felt by this community over what was seen as a sellout. The land was taken from a developer for educational purposes and the chamber was not about to see it given to another developer for profit.
The chamber let its voice be heard and common sense prevailed at government level with a direction that the land should be retained for educational use.