Road promise

By Jim Mynard
A LIBERAL Government would mean a $25 million upgrade for Clyde Road Berwick from the High Street, Lyall, and Clyde Road intersection to Monash University.
Liberal candidate for Narre Warren North councillor Mick Morland said this on Monday.
Cr Morland said he was delighted to know that the work could be done after a persistent campaign by the Berwick Village Chamber of Commerce and the City of Casey to redevelop the road.
“The Narre Warren North electorate comes right into the heart of Berwick and its residents use that road system at length.
“If the Liberals win the Saturday, 25 November election we will totally upgrade the intersection of Clyde Road and Enterprise Avenue, plus have grade separation at the railway crossing and duplicate the road from Monash University to High Street, Berwick.
“The Liberal Party has listened to the concerns of the people of Casey and has put its money where its mouth is by committing $25 million to this most important project.
“The City of Casey has duplication of the road as its number one project and its second is the intersection upgrade,” he said.
Liberal candidates for Gembrook Simon Wildes and for Narre Warren South Michael Shepherdson said the road was also on the RACV’s top 10 list of most congested intersections.
Mr Wildes said he was pleased that a Liberal Government would act to end the community’s frustration about what he called a ‘disaster zone’.
“Frustration about the long delays on this road, particularly when the boom barriers are down at the Berwick level crossing, has been boiling over.
“I recently collected 2000 signatures for a petition calling for an upgrade.
“Because the road is a critical link for residents living in and around Berwick, it is vital that it is upgraded to cater for the continuing growth,” Mr Wildes said.
Cr Morland said the project was something everyone in the Berwick, Berwick South and Harkaway area had been looking forward to for several years.
He said the announcement made this one of his most rewarding days as a councillor.
“This has been the one intersection I have been working on for over 10 years as a councillor to have fixed.
“We have lobbied VicRoads and the government to have this fixed, but it has fallen on deaf ears.
“Cars take far too long in a morning and peak time at night to get out of Enterprise Avenue.
“It’s not only time wasting but plain dangerous,” he said.
Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato said the Liberals first asked for traffic lights at the intersection of Clyde Road and Enterprise Avenue.
“But when the Bracks Government provided funding of $2 million for that project, they are panicked,” she said.
“So the Liberals are desperate, bringing forward 10 year plans and cooking up halfbaked promises that have not been properly costed.
“They do not even know whether the Clyde Road duplication will be over or under the rail line, so how can they possibly arrive at a figure of $25 million?”
Ms Lobato added: “Eighteen months ago VicRoads said it would cost $40 million.
“For $25 million they can either duplicate or rail separate, but not both.
“I will continue to advocate for services and infrastructure throughout my electorate and work with the community to build on our magnificent achievements during the last four years.
“It is easy to make wild promises.
“It is a sign of good government to stick with the facts and act responsibly,” she said.