Relay lights up the night


LACK of sleep was the last thing on the minds of hundreds who participated in the 2016 Cardinia Relay for Life overnight.
From 6.00pm on Friday night until 12noon on Saturday, they circled Toomuc Reserve to raise funds and support for the Cancer Council.
At the closing ceremony, held at 11.30am this morning, Cardinia Relay for Life committee chairperson John Henzen announced that an amazing $97,262 had been raised, with more still to be counted.
He told the Gazette that the incredible atmosphere and the generosity of all who donated made this year’s relay the “best one ever.”
“We were hoping for about 800 people, but the official number is looking closer to one thousand, and that’s without the people that came to watch,” he said.
“I think it was a fantastic night. Feedback has been positive from all the participants.”
Among the teams was the Cancer Busting Fairies, who this year had a team of around 35 people. Their captain, Kerry Holland, was recently diagnosed with Leukaemia.
The team carried a “mini Kerry” doll attached to a backpack with them throughout the night.
Member Daniel McCasker said the fairies sold lollybags and held a raffle to boost funds, and that this year’s relay had been a particularly important one.
“Kerry’s fighting a battle at the moment so she couldn’t be here, but she’s with us in spirit,” he said.
“She wears pink hair every year, so the doll is wearing pink for her this year.”
The Cancer Busting Fairies joined Beaconhills, ProPlum, Team Kinders Together and Cancer Won’t Break Our Stride in being presented a ‘Research Award.’
The highest fundraisers to date have been Team Kinders Together with $11,115.95, ProPlumb with $8,078.57 and Cancer Busting Fairies with $7,414.55.
For the full story and pictures of the night, pick up next Wednesday’s copy of the Pakenham Gazette.