Lang Lang Show a telling

PRIZEwinning beef cattle, a busy exhibition pavilion and amusements for the kids were all part of the Lang Lang Show last weekend.
The show, in is 106th year, had a good crowd turn out despite the rain.
Lang Lang Pastoral Horticultural and Agricultural Committee president Alan Light said attendance was down slightly this year compared to recent years.
“Numbers were down in the horse competitions and this may have been due to the weather and the drought,” Mr Light said.
“The cattle beef specialty and carcass competition was very good and the dog section was also well patronised.”
Mr Light said a variety of exhibitions were entered in the display categories, with 532 items on show.
“The exhibits were surprisingly good – even the flower arranging categories, which we thought might suffer because of the water restrictions,” he said.
Jack Rae OAM, who has been involved with organising agricultural shows for numerous years, opened this year’s show.
“It was a real privilege to have him open the event,” Mr Light said.
Mr Light acknowledged the work of committee secretary Cheryl Berry and the 50 committee members who assist in preparing and running the show each year.
“It’s a tight group and we get about 17 or 18 along to the working bees,” he said.
Mr Light said the success of the show could be attributed to people encouraging others to get involved.