Bid to stop golf club plan

RESIDENTS hoping to thwart plans to move Pakenham golf course lodged a petition supporting their bid with State Government officials last week.
Cardinia Ratepayers and Residents Association president Gloria O’Connor, Heather Shallard, Greg Studd and Collin Ross met representatives of Planning Minister Justin Madden.
Gembrook MP Tammy Lobato and Department of Sustainability and Environment official Peter Anderson were also at the meeting.
The CRRA has lobbied the State Government to reject Cardinia Shire Council’s request for permission to rezone the golf course and surrounding land.
Mrs O’Connor said 1400 people had signed the petition calling for the rezoning application to be refused.
Last year, hundreds of residents, including many Pakenham Golf Club members, signed a petition supporting the move.
Mr Madden is expected to make a decision this year on the rezoning request, amendment C66 to the shire planning scheme.