Smile please, it’s our anniversary

BEACONHILLS College was in the picture last week as all staff and students gathered at the Valley Campus in Pakenham for a group photo.
Approximately 3000 students and staff were photographed in two shots as part of the celebration of the college’s 25th anniversary.
Students were bused from the college’s Berwick campus for photos to be taken at 11am and noon on Thursday, 15 March.
Group Portraits, a Western Australia photography company which specialises in big group shots, took the photograph.
Students and teachers stood on a large grandstand while the photographer stood on a scaffolding platform to take the photo.
College headmaster Tony Shumack said it was hot and windy and the students coped well with the wait while the shots were taken.
The college denied rumours a teacher and six students fainted in the heat.
The photograph will be a memento of the anniversary and a historical record for the school
Copies of the photos will be distributed to the students and be included in the college’s annual magazine.