BERWICK Bowls Club’s ladies’ section held its 48th annual general meeting at the Manuka Road clubrooms on 11 April.
President Jean Fothergill reported on the achievements of members and officials.
She said the financial contribution of Netta Adam’s trading table, the winter craft group and the market research days was appreciated.
Mrs Fothergill thanked the committees and ladies who had worked so enthusiastically under her leadership. Secretary Kathleen Beevors, who has relinquished her position, received a presentation in recognition of her diligent and helpful contribution to the executive and members.
Barry Fisher, chairman of the board of management, commended the work done by the ladies’ section of the club, particularly Mrs Fothergill, who had combined the positions of president and catering manager in her workload this year.
The office holders elected for 200607 were: Jean Fothergill (president), Wendy West (vicepresident), Marjorie Woodfall (secretary), Verna Darcy (assistant secretary) and Valerie James (treasurer). The club awaits a replacement catering manager.
The luncheon with a guest speaker will be on Tuesday, 16 May.