Boot up for Good Friday

By Sarah Schwager
TWO Beaconhills College students will help raise funds for charity when they take their learning to the next level.
Grade 5 boys Charles Cox and James Schilling are running a car boot sale to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital’s Good Friday Appeal.
The fund raiser was prompted by the Compass Award, the junior part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award which has been run at Beaconhills College for the past few years for grade five, six and seven students.
Locals are encouraged to bring boot loads of their preloved items for sale.
The cost is $5 per car or $10 per trailer, which goes to charity, and people keep the profits from what they sell.
Charles said they also hoped to organise a jumping castle and sausage sizzle at the outdoor event.
The boys said they would be selling some of their old toys and books and hoped to make a few dollars themselves.
“We had a garage sale a few weeks ago but it didn’t go very well so I’m hoping to sell some things this time,” James said.
The Compass Award involves four sections – community service, hobbies, physical activity and exploration – and students are given badges at the completion of these activities all of which are held in the students’ own time.
Charles and James, both 10, said they came up with the car boot sale as part of the community service component and decided to raise money for the Good Friday Appeal as they both have a history with the Royal Children’s Hospital.
James was kept in hospital for some time as a baby after he was born prematurely.
They also have a couple of school friends whose family members have been in and out of the hospital.
The car boot sale will be held on Good Friday, 14 April, from 9am to 1pm at Pakenham Upper Hall on Bourkes Creek Road.
People wanting to bring their cars with items for sale need to book by Friday, 7 April.
Those wanting to buy only are welcome to come along at any time.
Call Charles on 5942 7729 or James on 5941 7505 to book or for more information.