IT was a popular week of carpet bowls at Pakenham Bowls Club.
Tuesday winners were: Lead, Eve Conroy; second, Andrew Gucaitis, skip, Frank Brown.
Runnersup were: Lead, Nancy Telford; second, David McGowan, skip, Wendy Titcombe.
Raffle winners were George Price and Thelma Brown.
Thursday winners were: Lead, Ada Cucinello; second, Beth Webster, skip, Trevor Smart.
Runnersup were: Lead, Silvani Crestani; second, Joy Stokell; skip, Ken Tomlin.
Raffle winners were Ada Cucinello and Joy Stokell.
Thelma Brown was thanked for the dinner last Friday, as well as those who worked behind the bar.
Lotto winners were Gary Crowley and Maureen Browne.
Mary Wall, Pam Fields, Nina Ward and Adrian Crestani won the raffle.
In a fun night on Friday where winners of the Mars Bars were: Lead Edna Connell; second, Silvani Crestani; third, Tienus Meeuwenoord, skip Beth Webster.
Runnersup were: Lead, Tina Meeuwenoord; second, Andrew Guciatis; third, Ada Cucinello, skip Mary Ingley.
The club is mourning the death of esteemed member of more than 30 years, Wallace (Wally) Malcolm.