Danger on dry roads

DANGEROUS driving conditions on dry and dusty roads have prompted a warning for motorists to take extreme care.
Cardinia Shire Council last week took the extraordinary step of publicly urging motorists to be extra careful on unsealed roads, acknowledging that many roads were continuing to deteriorate.
Council staff were working overtime to try and make roads safer for driving, shire mayor Kate Lempriere said.
As another month of dry weather goes by, council operations manager Darren Martin said people driving on unsealed roads should take “extreme care”.
“The condition of Cardinia’s unsealed road network has continued to deteriorate with the prolonged dry spell with the lifespan of grading works reducing significantly following another month of extreme dry conditions,” Mr Martin said.
“All available resources are being deployed, including weekend overtime, to try and limit the effect of the dry spell, along with the use of wetting agents and other material binders.
“All works are being conducted on a priority basis focusing on the worstaffected road,” he said.
The Gazette last week reported that residents in Olsen Road, Nar Nar Goon North, considered their road to be the worst in the district.
“It’s absolutely atrocious,” resident Dale Jamieson said.
“You’ve got to put up with a bit in the country. I certainly don’t expect it to be perfect, but it is dangerous.”
Cr Lempriere said councils throughout droughtstricken areas in Victoria were experiencing similar problems.
“We appreciate people’s patience and tolerance and ask motorists to slow down,” she said.
“Council staff are out there working overtime to repair and upgrade our roads to make them as safe as possible, but in the meantime everyone should take extreme care and drive to suit the conditions.”

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