Help me to stay, says Inge

By Paul Dunlop
A DUTCH woman needs help to make Pakenham her home.
Inge Verstraeten fell in love with the area after visiting during a 30day trip to Australia several years ago and has since sought to remain here.
Ms Verstraeten, 37, is a naturopath who wants to become a permanent resident but faces a struggle against Australia’s immigration laws.
She is hoping to find a local company willing to sponsor her bid to remain Down Under.
“I want to get permanent residency so I can stay in this wonderful country,” Ms Verstraeten told the Gazette.
“I love Australia, I have lived in Pakenham since I arrived here in October, 2000. I like the rural feel it has because I grew up in a rural area. My English is fluent, I am coming to grips with the Australian slang and am trying hard to understand the rules of the sports Australians are passionate about, such as cricket.
“I would love nothing better than to call myself an Australian as well.”
Ms Verstraeten said she had enlisted the help of Flinders MP Greg Hunt to plead her case with the Department of Immigration.
Her bid for permanent residency has so far been unsuccessful, but Ms Verstraeten is keeping fingers crossed that a local company will take up her cause and sponsor her through the skilled independent regional immigration program.
Apart from her skills as a naturopath, Ms Verstraeten has 16 years’ experience in office administration, has managed sales teams and has also worked in the pharmaceutical industry.
Ms Verstraeten said she had made many close friends in the Pakenham area and loved its strong sense of community.
The skilled independent regional immigration visa aims to attract skilled migrants who wish to live in a regional area.
Companies wishing to consider sponsorship can contact Inge Verstraeten on 0407 686 177.