New deal for veterans

WAR veterans holding a gold card will qualify for treatment and care for all health care at Government expense in a new package.
Those with white cards will qualify for treatment and care for specific conditions.
La Trobe MP Jason Wood said the new package was a demonstration of the Federal Government’s commitment to veterans and ensured they had access to quality health care.
He said the Government worked closely with health practitioners and the exservices community to develop the package.
It was important, he said, that the nation’s special duty to those damaged as a result of their war service, and war widows, involved convenient access to the highest quality health care.
“More than 300,000 veterans and war widows with gold or white cards will continue to access the health care professionals they know and trust,” Mr Wood said.
“With 70 per cent of veterans over the age of 75, it is important that they will be looked after. Health care groups have expressed strong support for the initiative.”