Push for wall of fame

By Jim Mynard
SPRINGFIELD Ward councillor Lorraine Wreford wants to establish a wall of fame in the City of Casey to recognise people such as Bill Hudson and the late George Wilson, who established a fund to acquire the Pioneers Park at Berwick.
Cr Wreford said there were many people in the community who for one way or another could be recognised for all manner of contributions with their name on the wall of fame.
“I would like to see something designed to fit in with the new civic centre development where we will have lots of people moving about,” she said.
“It would be great if we could acknowledge people who have contributed to the community.
“Many people have devoted their lives to volunteerism.
“Some people who have done well in the performing arts and other fields; there are endless possibilities of people who could be considered to have their names on the wall.
“People who come to mind are people like Bill Hudson, Lindsay King, whom we have just lost, and the late George Wilson.
“We could have living people with their names on the wall, which needs to be designed so that it can evolve over time.
“I have seen the City of Logan Wall of Fame and it has a photograph of each person with a citation about their achievements.
“The council needs to work out a criteria and decide how many names would be chosen each year.
“The wall could also become a piece of public art. It needs to be attractive, perhaps an architectural feature of the new complex.
“This is something we can do for posterity.”
Cr Wreford said the wall would provide a record of our heritage and would be valuable in 50 years time to schools and people doing research.
She said future family members would take pride in seeking out the names of their ancestors on the wall.