RATEPAYERS will give their views on the progress of the new Cardinia Shire Council at this week’s general meeting of the Cardinia Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (CRRA).
The meeting on Thursday at the LLINC centre in Pakenham starts at 7.30pm.
CRRA president Gloria O’Connor said ratepayers were looking forward to the soontobereleased draft council budget for 200607 and were hoping it would give an indication of a change of direction in council policy.
“Also on the agenda for the CRRA meeting will be the draft township strategy for Bunyip and the Cardinia environment strategy,” Mrs O’Connor said.
“There is growing concern among many residents about increasingly small blocks in housing subdivisions, some being only 300 square metres and the lack of adequate recreational open space available for the growing population coming to live in Cardinia Shire.
“Additional concerns are that education facilities and services for young families are not keeping pace with the rate of development,” Mrs O’Connor said.