By Callan Date
A MAN teaching a learner driver has recorded a blood alcohol level more than three times the legal limit during a random breath test in Emerald last Sunday.
The accompanying adult was required to take a breath test and registered .186.
The learner was issued with an infringement notice for not displaying Lplates while the accompanying driver will be summonsed to appear in court.
Sergeant Peter Garten of Pakenham said adults accompanying learners have the same responsibilities as a driver and are required to be under the legal limit.
A total of 298 motorists was tested during the fourhour operation and one in 12 had some level of alcohol in their system.
“We are fairly disappointed with the high rate of motorists that have registered a blood alcohol reading,” he said.
Sgt Garten said many people living away from the major town centres believed they could flout the drinkdriving laws and avoid being caught.
“There seems to be an ongoing attitude of people living up in the hills area, that because they are out of the built up residential zones they can get away with drink driving.”
He said the lack of public transport in the area might also be a contributing factor to the high number of people who were detected with having alcohol in their system.