Top teeoffs take trophies

IT was a day of medal wins at Beaconhills Country Golf Course on Saturday.
On ladies day Wednesday Rosalie Leake kept the wins coming by taking the Phoenix Plate.
On the Lakes course on Saturday, members competed in a stroke competition for the March monthly medal.
The previous year’s monthly medal winners also competed for the Fred Paice Medal of Medallists.
Andrew Sheehan followed up his recent success winning Bgrade in the club championships by winning the Medal of Medallists with a gross 81 nett 68.
The playoff between Sean Gray and Bill McGrann for the February monthly medal was also decided with Bill McGrann the victor.
Noel Pye’s 73 off the stick in Agrade resulted in a March medal winning nett 63 plus the Agrade prize.
Bgrade winner Peter Campion was one stroke further back on nett 64 and Michael Utting scored Cgrade with a nett 66.
Matthew Buff was the gross winner on a countback with 73 off the stick.
In the smaller competition on the Old course, Nick Jones shot 74/67.

On the Lakes course, Les Richards started the week on Tuesday with a strong round his 43 points securing him the win over Glenn Vassett’s 42.
Trevor Ball (+5), Brad Mars (+7) and Ken Sanford (+4) were the A, B and Cgrade winners on Thursday from a strong field.

On Ladies Day Wednesday, the field competed for the Phoenix Plate won by Rosalie Leake.
The plate was donated ‘in gratitude and friendship’ by Dot White, Margery McKenzie, Joyce Connan, Moya Ross and Mary Hall who all lost homes in the 1983 Ash Wednesday Bushfires.
Rosalie also won the nearest the pin on the third, while Lee James was nearest to the pin on 18.
Bev Eckhardt and Noelene King won A and Bgrade propins respectively.