Drouin pair on top for trophy

TOM Flowers and Laurie Pyle were the winning combination at Drouin Golf Club on Saturday with a top score of 73 points in the captain’s trophy day event.
Captain Lea Caldwell entertaining 104 starters to this event that was a twoperson Stableford aggregate and 104 teed off in excellent late winter conditions.
Runnersup on a countback were Phil Thomson and Mark Wooton with 72 points from Freddy Barton and John Nelson. The next best score was Peter DeVries and George Nicholson with 69 points.
Nearestthepin winners were Zed Wieclaw on the 19th and Phil Adams on the 23rd.


Twelve ladies also had a competition run on the same lines with a couple of younger members in hard working club secretary Peg Hocking and outgoing lady president Bernace Miller cleaning up the opposition on a countback with a sensational 60 points from Marg Purcell and Bev Goodwin.


The Wednesday competition continues to be well supported with a field of 91 players in a Stableford event.
The CCR was 74 and in Agrade the best was Brad Bennett (handicap six) with 40 points from Alan Logan on 39 points followed Daryl Bryce, Peter DeVries and Simon Appleby on 34 points.
The Bgrade winner was Peter Cooke (handicap 20) with 36 points from John Gwynne, John Denholm, Sott Hoare and Barry Beechey, all on 34 points.
In Cgrade Alan Fagan (handicap 28) was the winner with 34 points from Phil Gallagher and Rod Gardner on 33 points.
Nearestthepin winners were Angus McCarthur on the 14th, Shane Dwyer on the 19th and the propin on the 23rd, worth $30, went Scott Hoare.


This was won by Jill Brenchley with 14 points in the ladies section while Garth Quenault had an excellent 19 points to win the men’s event.


The Monday ninehole competition was shared between Tom Flowers and Peter Browne, both with 16 points.


The Barrhead (Canada)Drouin Challenge Shield Day will be held on 26 August.
This will be a guest day for members to invite members of other clubs to take part.
It will be followed by a wine, cheese and pizza presentation starting at 5pm for about an hour.


The club’s annual general meeting has been set for Thursday, 7 September.
Members are asked to consider nominating for the various general committee positions and also for the numerous standing committees within the club.


Last Tuesday was a Stroke event with eight to qualify for the captain’s trophy. The CCR was 76 nett.
The winner of Agrade was Shirley Todd with 71 nett who broke her handicap to 15.
Runnerup on 74 nett was Di Sullivan.
Bgrade winner was Judy Bibby with 81 nett and the runnerup was Val Johnson with 84 nett.
Nearest the pin on the 14th was Ellyn Thomson, and on the 19th was Margaret Purcell.
Di Sullivan won the propin.
Downtheline balls went to Margaret Purcell 77 nett, Sylvia Martin 79 nett and Peg Hocking 81 nett on a countback.
The eight to qualify for matchplay and the captain’s trophy are Di Sullivan, Sylvia Martin, Ellyn Thomson, Mary Tymensen, Judy Bibby, Jill Brenchley, Elaine Howlett and Val Johnson.
The playoff for the July monthly medal between Margaret Purcell and Mary Tymensen was won by Margaret, leaving Mary as the runnerup in A grade from the 4 July competition.


Jill Brenchley won the Thursday ninehole seniors’ competition with 14 points.
Runnersup were Betty Johnson and Robyn O’Brien with 13 points each.
Members welcomed back Mildred Lyon, who has thrown away her walking stick and is returning to golf after a hip replacement.


This week is Stableford, the AntiCancer Day, and David Bryce of Tyrell Partners Financial Group, is thanked for sponsoring the event.
Next week will be threeperson aggregate Stableford. For those who haven’t organised their partners, this can be arranged on the day.