Panel decides Stars’ fate

GARFIELD Football Club has appointed a nineperson panel, to be overseen by independent facilitator Brian Collis QC, to decide what league it will play in.
It currently plays in the West Gippsland Latrobe League.
The panel, charged with making the final recommendation, includes club president Judy Bishop, WGLFL general manager Chris Soumilas, John Barnes, Ian MacFarlane, Trevor Riches, Ian Archer and Tony Fitzgerald, with netball club representatives Bridget Soumilas and Sally Harper.
The subcommittee held its first meeting on Monday night and Mr Collis said the panel members would now collect as much information as possible and reconvene in about a fortnight to hopefully make a final decision that would then be put to the members.
Readers can write to the Pakenham Gazette with their views or comments on Garfield Football and Netball Club’s future.
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