Berwick overwhelms Parkers

BERWICK came away with five wins from all grades played against Hampton Park at the weekend.


Berwick had a slow start with replacements taking time to settle in. After halftime the players settled into their positions and played much smarter netball. With several players out due to injury the team did well to overcome a strong Hampton Park side.
Scores: Berwick 48 d Hampton Park 24.
Best: Belinda Hester.


Strong games were played by all team members under windy conditions. The goalers shot accurately for a high score. The midcourt did well by presenting strong drives down the court. The defenders did an excellent job of pressuring their opponents in the goal circle.
Scores: Berwick 47 d Hampton Park 18. Best: Nicole Liddle.


Berwick put on a powerful display last weekend after it began slowly with accurate goaling by Roxy Thompson and Emma Whatman. At the end of the first quarter the score was 170. Berwick made positional changes throughout and Kayla Allerdyce played an attacking game at centre. Donna Clarke goaled well into a strong wind in the second half. Stephanie Hiskins stopped many of Hampton Parks attacking drives. Berwick’s defenders did a fine job of keeping Hampton Park scoreless in the first and last quarters.
Scores: Berwick 52 d Hampton Park 6.


A fine effort by all players resulted in an excellent win. Strong defensive pressure kept Hampton Park to only four goals. The midcourt players made strong leads down the court passing well into the goalers.
Scores: Berwick 37 d Hampton Park 4.


Berwick played a fine game, Stefani Hampot and Megan Dyker keeping their opposition scoreless. The Berwick goalers of Claire Maskell and Jessica Masters went on a scoring blitz accumulating a total of 63 goals for the game. Emily Pratt, Chaille Hurst, Stacey Hargraves and Courtney Egerton did a terrific job creating scoring opportunities for the goalers. Overall a fantastic team performance by all players.
Scores: Berwick 63 d Hampton Park 0.